Tonight as I drove from one food gathering with friends to another such event with food, I saw a homeless man. It was only out of the corner of my eye, as the cars in the left turn pocket drove away. I didn't have enough time to read most of his sign except maybe "VETERAN" and "HUNGRY." I wanted to just keep on ignoring him, but the "hungry" part got to me, and I found myself lunging across my car to grab a grown-up version of a Lunchable.
Rolling down my window and aware that the light was about to change, I called out, "Do you want food?"
He answered, "Yeah! Just throw it!"
So I chucked my Lunchable towards him, and for a brief moment it looked like it would crash into his face (that loses Good Samaritan points right there). But then it neatly landed on the far side of the lane, right next to the curb below him.
The light meanwhile has turned green, and I am still stopped with a car behind me.
He calls out, "Thanks!" and I start to move forward, half-calling "God bless!"
I don't know if he heard it or not.
I also don't know why I hesitated. I think in part because it feels like such a canned, knee-jerk response, and I have much more thought behind it than that.
But how do you convey the love of God in an instant?
"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have [with gentleness and respect]." (1 Peter 3:15)
That's something for me to consider and prepare.
Any suggestions for a fresher response, one that feels less canned?
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