Sunday, May 5, 2013

Not Working

A true Sabbath always seemed impossible in my mind. As a student, Sundays were the key to getting things done before the week started. But I realized I'm not really taking classes anymore, so why not now? What excuse do I have?

This line of thinking started almost three weeks ago at a small group meeting where we talked about work:
  • God values all work since it is cultivating Creation
  • Work for God instead of other people/yourself
  • And to that end, working HARD and giving your best
  • But with that, it's also okay to take breaks when needed – God approves and it often makes you more productive overall!
Today is the third Sunday I've endeavored to take a Sabbath, both by not working and by resting. Both are difficult in their own right!

Not working has meant more discipline on Saturdays and the other days of the week, something I still lack.  The first Sunday of not working, I was so excited. I really felt energized and ready to face to full week of work! ...That lasted all of two hours on Monday haha.  It was a really good two hours!  But then I lost my focus, and the week piled on the work and sleep fell by the wayside...
(This is hilarious at 2am)
So, I still have some growing to do in discipline!  But even with the struggles involved with not working, it is really nice to take a break from even just thinking about things I could/should be doing.

The act of resting is one I'm also still figuring out... more than just not working, it takes an effort to rest. Today I lay down for a while and took some time to journal these thoughts.  I'm trying to find ways to create more space in my Sundays, spending less time distracted on the computer and more time being present. So far I've been able to connect with people more, and I hope that continues.

At this point, I'd say my taking a Sabbath is not working all the way yet, but I think I'm heading in a good direction. I'm trying to avoid legalism, and I'm instead focusing on the heart of what I'm moving towards.

In the big picture, it boils down to remembering and enjoying how God loves me!

1 comment:

  1. Makes me think of the following part from the Swiss Family Robinson. It made Mom's "no weapons on Sunday" (a rule we often broke) seem not so bad.

    The children woke the next morning, eager and springing about like young monkeys. “What shall we do today?”


    “Rest?” they repeated.

    “‘Six days shalt thou labor, but on the seventh thou shalt rest.’”

    “Oh, jolly,” said Jack. “I shall take a bow and arrow and shoot. We’ll climb about the tree and have fun all day!”

    “That is not how you will spend the Lord’s day,” I said.

    “But we can’t go to church here.”

    “The shade of this tree is far more beautiful than any church. Here we will worship our Creator.”

    One by one, the children slipped down the ladder. I took my wife aside. “My dear Elizabeth,” I said, “This morning we will devote to the Lord. But it will be impossible to keep them quiet the whole day. After services, I will allow them innocent recreation, then in the evening we will take a walk.”

    During our evening meal I spoke about naming the different spots we had visited on this coast. We began by naming the bay in which we landed Safety Bay. Our first home we called Tentholm; the islet in the bay, Shark Island; and the reedy swamp, Flamingo Marsh. After some time we named our tree home Falconhurst. Following our evening walk, we closed our Sabbath day with a prayer and glad hymn of praise. We slept with our hearts full of peace
