Thursday, April 28, 2011

19 cent Miracle

After getting an oil change, I stopped by Trader Joe's to pick up some random things, since it was so close to the auto services. On my way out of the parking lot, I noticed a woman holding a sign:

"Anything helps."

I rolled down my window and reached for the first handy food I could find, bananas. "Want some bananas?" as I pulled two free from the bunch. "Sure!" She hurried over to take the bananas, as the cars behind me started to pile up. Aware of their impatience, I zipped out of the parking lot, but not before I caught one last glimpse of the woman:

She was so full of gratitude and excitement that she immediately started eating one of the bananas.

The cars pressed on and I was swept away by the traffic, but the image stuck with me. This was just a 19 cent banana. And it alone meant a lot to one woman and her dog, while I may hardly notice the loss of bananas, and certainly not the 38 cents for them.

It left me a bit shaken up. I can understand why people drive by and pretend to ignore those in need: it's easier. It's way easier to stay in my comfortable bubble and pretend that everything around me is lovely; or, if it isn't lovely, it's clearly not my responsibility. But I am so grateful for these experiences that remind me:
1) how incredibly abundantly God has blessed me
2) how these blessings aren't just mine, they're also for me to share with others

At first, I marveled at how 19 cents was a miracle for one woman; now I'm convinced it was just as much (and probably more) of a miracle for me.
Thanks, God.

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