Friday, December 2, 2011

Full of Thanksgiving

...the food coma is just starting to wear off :-P

Really though, Thanksgiving was a great time.  My aunt and uncle who currently live in Germany made the trip, my grand-aunt (?) flew out from the East Coast, and my brother even flew up for a less than 48-hr trip. And I got to see my cousin who lives in SF, and lots of extended family from my Mom's side!  It was great to see and spend time with so much family!  I especially enjoyed getting to show my parents around SC the weekend before :-)

Then I returned and received more cause for thankfulness: a morning of church with a friend, followed by lunch at a taqueria and a GORGEOUS walk along West Cliff (Sorry the good weather wasn't around for you, Mom & Dad).  And since the weather was so good, then Jen and I climbed a tree:

On top of that, we ended up having a "Roommates Thanksgiving" with all kinds of food from our families!  Yadi brought chili reno her mom made (legit!), Cynthia wanted to share noodles her dad made with us, I brought my grandma's chocolate chip pumpkin bars, and Jen made thick & rich hot cocoa.  We were all thoroughly stuffed afterward :-D

Finally, I wanted to share something one of my lab students told me today.  I so enjoy teaching the labs, especially when you get the sweet stuff like this:
"I just wanted to thank you for teaching our lab. I don't really like physics, actually I hated it... but you made the lab interesting and fun, and I actually enjoyed it! When you started talking about TAing next quarter's labs, I got excited, thinking I could end up in your lab again. And then I remembered that my major only required one quarter of physics lab, so I wouldn't be taking it, and I was kinda bummed. So anyways, thank you!"

So much to be full of thanks for... I'm stuffed with it!

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