Friday, November 18, 2011

Seeking Contentment

Today I got to play tennis with my roommate and two other first year physics majors.  It was a blast, and I can't wait to get out there again with them.  But I noticed a difference in today's hitting the ball around compared with other days of just me and Jen.  There was now a bit more of a competitive edge, a slightly different dynamic since we were both playing against opponents and with a teammate.  And so it was a little harder to give compliments, since it was a bit more competitive/jocular.

Just like this. (No, this is not me!)
For example, on one play, I rushed the net and completely missed the ball (pretty bad).  My partner reprimanded me a bit and then went to hit the ball, except she hit the ball at me! It was funny to get hit with the ball after messing up along with other incidents, but I found myself unsure of how well I was playing since I wasn't getting the same positive reinforcement.  After talking with my roommate, it turns out I got some good shots in after all.

But I want to learn to be content regardless of if I receive positive feedback.

Tonight I came across the blog of my cousin's friend and future head pastor.  It only has two posts, but both are deep and thought-provoking.

Can you thrive in a marriage that is not thriving?
(or in any relationship, like a rooommate, friend, etc)
The video looks at the need for positive feedback.  For instance, when I dry and put away all the dishes on the dish rack for several days in a row, I start to get a bit irked when my roommates don't seem to reciprocate in any way nor even thank me.  But, if I focus on loving them because I care for them, and not because I expect something in return, then I can become content.  In all circumstances.

(Check out the linked video above (opens in a new window), and the other blog post is interesting as well.  It examines the question, "What if Satan took over an entire city?"  I don't want to ruin it for you, so I'll just say it's not what you'd expect.)

P.S. My parents are coming up to visit tomorrow!  I'm so excited!

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