Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rhythm Restoration & Fighting for Good

I think I have finally recuperated from the Peru trip (which was at the end of March).  After the trip, I found myself inexplicably dependent on "snooze" to be able to wake up... It used to be that I always just woke up and was awake once my alarm went off, and I always wondered why people would even use the snooze button: why wake up any earlier than you need to?  But for the first time, I couldn't wake myself up without it after Peru.  I think I was just worn out, and it was perpetuated by the intense amount of traveling and other activities that I did on returning to the US. 

This morning, however, for the second day in a row, I was able to wake up without using the snooze button.  It felt great.  Due in part to waking up so easily, I was able to plan out my morning better.  I took time to get dressed, make a lunch and be ready for school before eating breakfast, which then left me extra free time without stress.  I had fallen into the bad habit of eating breakfast and relaxing right away because I was always so exhausted and half asleep in the morning that I thought food was the only way to get my body moving.  It was so nice to have a comfortable rhythm of life again.

And then, as I was getting my bike out to ride to class, I managed to lock myself out of my apartment.  With my backpack still inside the apartment.  My backpack that had my class notes, my writing implements, the handouts for a presentation I was supposed to give today, my carefully packed lunch, my wallet, my key to the lab, my key to my locker, my car key, and last but certainly not least, my key to the apartment itself.  Yup, I'm pretty talented.

I had my cell phone, my bike, and the clothes on my back.

The manager wasn't around to let me in, so I hopped on my bike and rode to class, preparing my excuse for not having the handouts and wondering who I could get some paper and a pen from.  I was also a bit frustrated with the situation and how it limited me... I suddenly was unprepared for class and unable to eat or buy lunch, among other things.  But I also realized that this frustration was probably Satan trying to mess with my awesome good mood.  Realizing that helped me to look at the situation and say:

"No, I'm not going to settle for losing my good mood to this frustration.  I'm not going to let Satan win like that."

So I didn't.  I looked for the good in the situation and realized that I didn't need my stuff as much as I thought I did.  And God was totally faithful.  We didn't end up presenting in my first class, nor even taking notes or getting new handouts. I found a pen on the band room floor and got some paper from the physics lounge to take notes in my other class.  I even enjoyed the simplicity of not having a ton of stuff. . .I didn't have to lug a giant backpack around nor make sure I had everything. . .it was all on me.  This afternoon, I made the short ride to where my roommate works to get her key, and then I was home again.  With my lunch.  And good weather, and a nice balcony to picnic on.  Life is good.  More importantly, God is good.  And I'm grateful that He won the victory today.  He loves me :-)

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