Tuesday, October 11, 2011

God story

...the story of our lives, right?  Anyway, I probably should be either trying to understand some part of my e&m homework or getting sleep, but I wanted to record a God sighting before it just slips by (they do that!).

To start, we need to go back a month, to when I was just getting started in the area, shortly before the start of the quarter.  I had been here long enough to visit two churches, neither of which I was particularly excited about nor connected.  During a phone call with a dear friend from SLO, Jewl, I found out she had been on a prayer walk at Cal Poly (with other people from FBC) to pray for the start of the new year and the new freshmen.  It finished with several different Christian campus groups singing worship songs in UU Plaza.  Which happened to coincide with when the freshmen were walking back from an event at the stadium.  Hearing about it made my heart long for Cal Poly, which has much more Christian influence than UCSC.  The influences here are much less conservative (and sometimes more obscure):

I commented to Jewl how that sounded so cool––public worship, on a college campus.  And:

"That kind of thing would never happen here..."

To cut to the chase, God decided to show me again that He has a sense of humor and enjoys proving "never"s wrong.  My roommate Cynthia and I found out about a Grad Christian Fellowship, started attending, and I got hooked because they let me play guitar with them in worship.  And gradually, I found out about this thing of many names... noonsing, "elevensing" or today, Tuesday Tunes at Two.

Today was my first day (they changed the time so I could come), and all the guitar players (3 today, 4 of us total) got together and sang worship songs together.

We sang these worship songs
outside a classroom building,
in public for all to hear,
at UCSC. 

Openly singing praises to the one true God.

Boy was I wrong, or what?  God is so good.

(This is from the camping trip!)

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